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B-17 Warbirds

12,731 B-17s were built, but only a handful survive today.  Enemy action, accidents and the cutters torch all took their toll on the legend's numbers. Those that survive today are aeronautical treasures; helping us remember the ingenuity of the engineers that designed them, the many people that constructed them and the dedicated men that maintained and flew them into action.


This section details the surviving B-17s that exist in the world today.


01 - Coming soon

'Sally B' (United Kingdom)

Sally B is the only Flying Fortress left in the B-17s region of greatest glory - the dark skies over Europe.  She flies as a memorial to the 55,000 U.S. airman who lost their lives during the greatest air battles in history.

02 - Coming soon

Fortress Toujours Volante (France)

French Flying Fortress.


03 - Coming soon

Duxford - Imperial War Museum (United Kingdom)

Static example at IWM Duxford.

04- Coming soon

Liberty Belle (U.S.A.)

A phoenix from the ashes.

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